Pelabuhan Ratu is a lovely holiday resort, visited by holidaymakers from Jakarta and Bandung. The site is only three-hour drive from either city through cool mountain villages with picturesque sceneries. Pelabuhan Ratu - Cisolok is a 15 km stretch of breathtaking beauty with hills, mountains and very wide sandy beaches everywhere around, set against the deep blue Indian Ocean. Right next to stretches of white beaches, visitors will find thick tropical forests on rolling hills. Taking walks uphill enables the visitor to look down on the horseshoe shape of the bay's coastline, whereas at night hundreds of fishermen's boat-lamps are seemingly competing with the star-studded sky above, which is both enchanting and romantic. There is one four-star hotel, Samudera Beach, about 6 km from Pelabuhan Ratu, but several other smaller hotel and cottages are available at moderate rates.
At this virgin stage, this area represents unspoiled beauty in a typically tropical setting with hospitable inhabitants. Because of its proximity to Jakarta, more tourists visit this area from the capital than those from Bandung. Moreover, the highways to and from Pelabuhan Ratu have recently been greatly improved to assure the visitor of a smooth ride to enjoy the sceneries that pass even well. Good for taste, swimming, sun bathing and surfing.
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Opinion :
Pelabuhan ratu became one of the most gorgeous beaches I have visited there. In the afternoon many people are playing around the beach. All seemed relaxed. There also are pictures taken at the sight of the sea. Many small children who play football. Boats - fishing boats lined the beach even though a bit messy. On the morning of people already roll - came kepantai crowded. Waves big enough in the morning. The atmosphere is cool morning makes the heart feel at peace. Fresh air is heard only the sound and the faint sound of waves - faint laughter happy children - small children who play around the beach water. The trip to the beach full queen warren ports makes the trip more interesting.
Rabu, 02 Juni 2010
Public transport
In more modern times, many new public vehicle to replace the traditional mode of transportation such as rickshaw, cart, boat and so forth. Government vehicles are a lot of discipline with the reason for the traffic order. Modern vehicles are less effective because it was seen - average not well maintained, for example buses - buses that are old are still in use, the smoke was pitch black out caused considerable air pollution can make people - people are not comfortable around. Not infrequently sometimes even riding the bus the bus driver with a sow - oats.
Busway presence initially be an alternative government to create a comfortable public transport for the community. Maybe at first was comfortable but gradually felt less comfortable vehicle. Karana is less well maintained. Not infrequently the crowded queues seen at bus stops, bus arrival time by reason of any unused units only slightly.
Public transport is a problem among their own traffic chaos. Although many traffic regulations. But not all road users obey the rules properly.
Busway presence initially be an alternative government to create a comfortable public transport for the community. Maybe at first was comfortable but gradually felt less comfortable vehicle. Karana is less well maintained. Not infrequently the crowded queues seen at bus stops, bus arrival time by reason of any unused units only slightly.
Public transport is a problem among their own traffic chaos. Although many traffic regulations. But not all road users obey the rules properly.
Achieved Profit with Social Entrepreneurship
BANDUNG, - Not many businesses run by entrepreneurs have a social orientation and community development. Businesses are more likely to increase financial gain rather than have to worry about developing a community or society.
But the condition is not absolute. There are parties that conduct entrepreneurial social or social entrepreneurship. This activity is a business which is the main orientation of community development and community. Of course, without prejudice to the financial benefits that could be obtained.
"Indonesia has a lot of players entrepreneurial society. It's just that they do not have adequate access, so not many people know," says Programme Manager British Council, Dawn Grace at a press conference Community Entrepreneurs Challenge at the Hotel Aston, Bandung, Thursday (25 / 3 / 2010).
According to him, the action of the entrepreneurs socially thus can develop a society with a more optimal, and no possibility to be able to provide revenue for the state. "Unfortunately there are many parties who are not aware they're doing entrepreneurial social, so it does not grow optimally," said Dawn.
He also added that the profits from entrepreneurship socially not be seen from the financial benefits, but also from cultural preservation, environmental conservation, and once again empower the community itself.
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But the condition is not absolute. There are parties that conduct entrepreneurial social or social entrepreneurship. This activity is a business which is the main orientation of community development and community. Of course, without prejudice to the financial benefits that could be obtained.
"Indonesia has a lot of players entrepreneurial society. It's just that they do not have adequate access, so not many people know," says Programme Manager British Council, Dawn Grace at a press conference Community Entrepreneurs Challenge at the Hotel Aston, Bandung, Thursday (25 / 3 / 2010).
According to him, the action of the entrepreneurs socially thus can develop a society with a more optimal, and no possibility to be able to provide revenue for the state. "Unfortunately there are many parties who are not aware they're doing entrepreneurial social, so it does not grow optimally," said Dawn.
He also added that the profits from entrepreneurship socially not be seen from the financial benefits, but also from cultural preservation, environmental conservation, and once again empower the community itself.
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Kiat Sukses Bob Sadino bagi Kaum Muda
BOGOR, — Pengusaha sukses bidang pertanian Bob Sadino mengajak generasi muda untuk tidak takut mencoba sesuatu hal yang baru. "Ingin sukses, jangan takut mencoba," kata Bob di hadapan puluhan peserta acara Launching Program CSR "Go Entrepreneur" oleh Perum Pegadaian, Sabtu (27/3/2010) di Mall Botani Square.
Menurut Bob, kunci sukses adalah tidak mudah menyerah dan jangan takut untuk gagal. "Dengan kegagalan, kita bisa belajar bagaimana ke depan lebih baik lagi. Jadi, jangan pernah takut untuk gagal," kata entrepreneur sukses asli Indonesia ini.
Di hadapan ratusan pengunjung Mall Botani Square, Bob yang tampil dengan gaya khas baju kemeja putih kotak-kotak dipadu celana jins pendek menyampaikan beberapa pengalamannya tentang memulai sebuah usaha tanpa harus menggunakan modal besar. "Yang penting ada kemauan dan berani menerima kegagalan. Semua usaha jenis apa pun akan tetap jalan. Usaha yang paling bertahan lama ada agropreneur," kata Bob.
Ia berpendapat selama langit masih membentang, selama itu pula usaha perkebunan akan terus berjalan. Namun, lanjut Bob, tinggal sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang mengelolanya.
"Sumber daya alam terbentang luas. kita bersyukur Indonesia alamnya subur dan kaya, tapi SDM Indonesia yang kurang mampu memanfaatkannya," kata bapak dua orang putri ini.
Bob mengatakan, peluang bisnis pertanian cukup besar, tidak hanya pasar internasional saja, tetapi pasar dalam negeri Indonesia juga sangat menjanjikan untuk perkembangan bisnis pertanian tersebut. Bob mengatakan, semakin banyaknya minat generasi muda untuk berwirausaha dapat meningkatkan jumlah usahawan Indonesia yang saat ini hanya 1,8 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia.
Acara bincang-bincang selama satu jam lebih tersebut berlangsung cukup menarik. Sejumlah mahasiswa yang hadir dalam acara launching program CSR "Go Entrepreneur" oleh Perum Pegadaian sangat antusias bertanya kepada Bob. Dipandu oleh MC Shanaz Haque, suasana acara kian bermakna. Hal itu semakin semarak dengan jawaban nyeleneh Bob yang membuat gelak tawa peserta.
Bob merupakan tokoh entrepreneurship Indonesia yang mampu meretas batas kewajaran bahwa bisnis harus dijalankan dengan kegigihan dan kerja keras. Menurut Bob, usaha dijalankan dengan kesenangan bukan karena keterpaksaan. Tidak harus cerdas dan bekerja keras untuk menjadi pengusaha sukses. Menurutnya, seorang pengusaha harus bisa melihat peluang dan berani mengambil risiko.
Semua telah dibuktikan oleh Bob, entrepreneur sukses yang memulai usahanya benar-benar dari bawah dan bukan berasal dari keluarga wirausaha. Pendiri dan pemilik tunggal Kem Chicks (supermarket) ini pernah menjadi sopir taksi dan karyawan Unilever yang kemudian menjadi pengusaha sukses.
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Menurut Bob, kunci sukses adalah tidak mudah menyerah dan jangan takut untuk gagal. "Dengan kegagalan, kita bisa belajar bagaimana ke depan lebih baik lagi. Jadi, jangan pernah takut untuk gagal," kata entrepreneur sukses asli Indonesia ini.
Di hadapan ratusan pengunjung Mall Botani Square, Bob yang tampil dengan gaya khas baju kemeja putih kotak-kotak dipadu celana jins pendek menyampaikan beberapa pengalamannya tentang memulai sebuah usaha tanpa harus menggunakan modal besar. "Yang penting ada kemauan dan berani menerima kegagalan. Semua usaha jenis apa pun akan tetap jalan. Usaha yang paling bertahan lama ada agropreneur," kata Bob.
Ia berpendapat selama langit masih membentang, selama itu pula usaha perkebunan akan terus berjalan. Namun, lanjut Bob, tinggal sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang mengelolanya.
"Sumber daya alam terbentang luas. kita bersyukur Indonesia alamnya subur dan kaya, tapi SDM Indonesia yang kurang mampu memanfaatkannya," kata bapak dua orang putri ini.
Bob mengatakan, peluang bisnis pertanian cukup besar, tidak hanya pasar internasional saja, tetapi pasar dalam negeri Indonesia juga sangat menjanjikan untuk perkembangan bisnis pertanian tersebut. Bob mengatakan, semakin banyaknya minat generasi muda untuk berwirausaha dapat meningkatkan jumlah usahawan Indonesia yang saat ini hanya 1,8 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia.
Acara bincang-bincang selama satu jam lebih tersebut berlangsung cukup menarik. Sejumlah mahasiswa yang hadir dalam acara launching program CSR "Go Entrepreneur" oleh Perum Pegadaian sangat antusias bertanya kepada Bob. Dipandu oleh MC Shanaz Haque, suasana acara kian bermakna. Hal itu semakin semarak dengan jawaban nyeleneh Bob yang membuat gelak tawa peserta.
Bob merupakan tokoh entrepreneurship Indonesia yang mampu meretas batas kewajaran bahwa bisnis harus dijalankan dengan kegigihan dan kerja keras. Menurut Bob, usaha dijalankan dengan kesenangan bukan karena keterpaksaan. Tidak harus cerdas dan bekerja keras untuk menjadi pengusaha sukses. Menurutnya, seorang pengusaha harus bisa melihat peluang dan berani mengambil risiko.
Semua telah dibuktikan oleh Bob, entrepreneur sukses yang memulai usahanya benar-benar dari bawah dan bukan berasal dari keluarga wirausaha. Pendiri dan pemilik tunggal Kem Chicks (supermarket) ini pernah menjadi sopir taksi dan karyawan Unilever yang kemudian menjadi pengusaha sukses.
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Find a Long Process "Passion"
To be able to set a career that may be taken, a person must have a passion (passion). However, the process to find a passion that was not an easy matter.
This diiyakan by the Career Coach Rene Suhardono. "I myself could just find my passion after the proceeds for nine years," he said during a press conference the launch of his book, Your Job Is Not Your Career at the Plaza Kuningan, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/3/2010).
He said that, a person who moved around a lot of work, or called a "flea jump", not a problem. "The problem in fact the reason he moved around. If he is looking for his passion, certainly very good. But what a pity when moving around, which sought only a few percent salary increase," he added.
In addition, he also needs the motivation to be able to find passion. "Motivation is not derived from the words of a motivator. Because I believe, who can motivate yourself is not a motivator, but myself," he said.
Through his latest book which was recently launched, Rene Suhardono intends to change the views of people who often equate a career with a job. Not only that, in this book he also explains about the passion, happiness and fulfillment (fulfillment), which is achieved by someone important in his career.
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This diiyakan by the Career Coach Rene Suhardono. "I myself could just find my passion after the proceeds for nine years," he said during a press conference the launch of his book, Your Job Is Not Your Career at the Plaza Kuningan, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/3/2010).
He said that, a person who moved around a lot of work, or called a "flea jump", not a problem. "The problem in fact the reason he moved around. If he is looking for his passion, certainly very good. But what a pity when moving around, which sought only a few percent salary increase," he added.
In addition, he also needs the motivation to be able to find passion. "Motivation is not derived from the words of a motivator. Because I believe, who can motivate yourself is not a motivator, but myself," he said.
Through his latest book which was recently launched, Rene Suhardono intends to change the views of people who often equate a career with a job. Not only that, in this book he also explains about the passion, happiness and fulfillment (fulfillment), which is achieved by someone important in his career.
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Do Multivitamin Pills Raise The Risk of Breast Cancer?
Women who take a daily multivitamin pill to ward off illness may actually be increasing their risk of breast cancer, according to a study. Researchers found middle-aged and older women who regularly took supplements were almost 20 per cent more likely to develop a tumour.
They stressed the findings did not prove vitamin pills were to blame for an increase in cancer cases, as it is possible women may be compensating for an unhealthy lifestyle that puts them at increased risk.
However, the experts warned the results were worrying and called for in-depth studies to determine whether or not multivitamins are safe. They believe supplements may trigger tumour growth by increasing the density of breast tissue, a known risk factor for cancer.
Studies suggest taking supplements containing vitamins and minerals may increase breast tissue by more than 5 per cent. It is also possible folic acid found in multivitamin pills could be a factor, as studies suggest high doses may promote tumour growth.
Experts from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, tracked more than 35,000 women aged between 49 and 83 over a ten-year period. They found those who regularly took multivitamins were 19 per cent more likely to have developed a breast tumour.
Even when researchers took account of whether the women smoked, took much exercise, or had a family history of the disease - all strong risk factors - they still found a significant link with multivitamin use.
They told the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 'These results suggest multivitamin use is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. This is of concern and merits further investigation.'
Researchers stressed that, on an individual basis, the risks to women remain small and the vast majority of vitamin users will not develop cancer. In the study, women did not say what brands of vitamins they took - they simply reported whether or not they took them.
The study could also be flawed as it relies on women to recall whether they took the pills in the past. Studies that ask people to describe past behaviour are vulnerable to a well-known statistical phenomenon called recall bias.
It is estimated nearly a quarter of all UK adults take antioxidant supplements or multivitamins on a regular basis. The market for supplements is worth £500million a year. But in 2007 a study of nearly 300,000 men found those taking supplements more than once a day were 32 per cent more likely to develop an aggressive form of prostate cancer.
And a 2008 Copenhagen University investigation found high doses of vitamin A, vitamin E and beta-carotene appeared to increase the chances of an early death.
Every year around 40,000 women in Britain are diagnosed with breast cancer, the equivalent of more than 100 a day. A woman has a one in nine chance of developing the disease at some point in her life.
Kat Arney, Cancer Research UK's science information manager, said last night: 'Like several other recent studies, this research adds to the evidence that multivitamins may not actually be beneficial for your health.
'Most can get all the nutrients they need from a healthy balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables.'
Dr Gilbert Ross, medical director for the American Council on Science and Health, said: 'If you really want to take multivitamins, this study is no reason to stop. Of course, on the other hand, I would advise anyone concerned that there is no good health or medical reason to take multivitamin supplements, except in rare cases of malnutrition.'
The Health Supplements Information Service, funded by supplements manufacturers, said: 'This does not provide any proof that multivitamins are linked to breast cancer.
'Given the low intakes of micronutrients in women across the UK and the continuing lack of improvement in our national dietary patterns, a multivitamin can make an important contribution to the vitamin and mineral intake in this population group.'
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They stressed the findings did not prove vitamin pills were to blame for an increase in cancer cases, as it is possible women may be compensating for an unhealthy lifestyle that puts them at increased risk.
However, the experts warned the results were worrying and called for in-depth studies to determine whether or not multivitamins are safe. They believe supplements may trigger tumour growth by increasing the density of breast tissue, a known risk factor for cancer.
Studies suggest taking supplements containing vitamins and minerals may increase breast tissue by more than 5 per cent. It is also possible folic acid found in multivitamin pills could be a factor, as studies suggest high doses may promote tumour growth.
Experts from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, tracked more than 35,000 women aged between 49 and 83 over a ten-year period. They found those who regularly took multivitamins were 19 per cent more likely to have developed a breast tumour.
Even when researchers took account of whether the women smoked, took much exercise, or had a family history of the disease - all strong risk factors - they still found a significant link with multivitamin use.
They told the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 'These results suggest multivitamin use is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. This is of concern and merits further investigation.'
Researchers stressed that, on an individual basis, the risks to women remain small and the vast majority of vitamin users will not develop cancer. In the study, women did not say what brands of vitamins they took - they simply reported whether or not they took them.
The study could also be flawed as it relies on women to recall whether they took the pills in the past. Studies that ask people to describe past behaviour are vulnerable to a well-known statistical phenomenon called recall bias.
It is estimated nearly a quarter of all UK adults take antioxidant supplements or multivitamins on a regular basis. The market for supplements is worth £500million a year. But in 2007 a study of nearly 300,000 men found those taking supplements more than once a day were 32 per cent more likely to develop an aggressive form of prostate cancer.
And a 2008 Copenhagen University investigation found high doses of vitamin A, vitamin E and beta-carotene appeared to increase the chances of an early death.
Every year around 40,000 women in Britain are diagnosed with breast cancer, the equivalent of more than 100 a day. A woman has a one in nine chance of developing the disease at some point in her life.
Kat Arney, Cancer Research UK's science information manager, said last night: 'Like several other recent studies, this research adds to the evidence that multivitamins may not actually be beneficial for your health.
'Most can get all the nutrients they need from a healthy balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables.'
Dr Gilbert Ross, medical director for the American Council on Science and Health, said: 'If you really want to take multivitamins, this study is no reason to stop. Of course, on the other hand, I would advise anyone concerned that there is no good health or medical reason to take multivitamin supplements, except in rare cases of malnutrition.'
The Health Supplements Information Service, funded by supplements manufacturers, said: 'This does not provide any proof that multivitamins are linked to breast cancer.
'Given the low intakes of micronutrients in women across the UK and the continuing lack of improvement in our national dietary patterns, a multivitamin can make an important contribution to the vitamin and mineral intake in this population group.'
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Drinking during Pregnancy 'Could Increase Epilepsy Risk'
The research found that children who suffer from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) – a condition caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy – were six times more likely to suffer from epilepsy as they grew older.
They were also more likely to suffer at least one seizure at some point in their lives. Previous research has indicated a connection between drinking during pregnancy and rates of alcoholism, drug abuse, depression and even Parkinson's and stroke.
Neuroscientists said the latest study added to growing understanding about the risks posed to unborn babies by mothers' alcohol consumption, but added that it was difficult to establish a causal link between drinking and epilepsy.
Dan Savage, Regents' Professor at the University of New Mexico's Department of Neurosciences said: "This report builds on a growing body of evidence that maternal drinking during pregnancy may put a child at greater risk for an even wider variety of neurologic and behavioural health problems than we had appreciated before
The consensus recommendation of scientists and clinical investigators, along with public health officials around the world, is very clear a woman should abstain from drinking during pregnancy as part of an overall programme of good prenatal care that includes good nutrition, adequate exercise, sufficient rest, and proper prenatal health care."
Researchers examined the histories of 425 individuals from two FASD clinics, looking for a correlation between suspected risk factors including exposure to alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, and occurrences of epilepsy and seizures.
James Reynolds of the Centre for Neuroscience Studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, who contributed to the study, said: "While this report supports a growing impression that fetal alcohol exposure may predispose the immature brain to the development of epilepsy, the results do not establish a direct cause-effect relationship between FASD and epilepsy.
Establishing a direct link between these clinical conditions will be a difficult challenge given our incomplete understanding of how ethanol damages the developing brain and what neuropathological changes in brain tissue lead to the development of different types of epilepsy."
Around 456,000 people in Britain have epilepsy. Fits happen when there is a sudden burst of excess electrical activity in the brain, causing a temporary disruption in the normal message passing between brain cells.
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They were also more likely to suffer at least one seizure at some point in their lives. Previous research has indicated a connection between drinking during pregnancy and rates of alcoholism, drug abuse, depression and even Parkinson's and stroke.
Neuroscientists said the latest study added to growing understanding about the risks posed to unborn babies by mothers' alcohol consumption, but added that it was difficult to establish a causal link between drinking and epilepsy.
Dan Savage, Regents' Professor at the University of New Mexico's Department of Neurosciences said: "This report builds on a growing body of evidence that maternal drinking during pregnancy may put a child at greater risk for an even wider variety of neurologic and behavioural health problems than we had appreciated before
The consensus recommendation of scientists and clinical investigators, along with public health officials around the world, is very clear a woman should abstain from drinking during pregnancy as part of an overall programme of good prenatal care that includes good nutrition, adequate exercise, sufficient rest, and proper prenatal health care."
Researchers examined the histories of 425 individuals from two FASD clinics, looking for a correlation between suspected risk factors including exposure to alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, and occurrences of epilepsy and seizures.
James Reynolds of the Centre for Neuroscience Studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, who contributed to the study, said: "While this report supports a growing impression that fetal alcohol exposure may predispose the immature brain to the development of epilepsy, the results do not establish a direct cause-effect relationship between FASD and epilepsy.
Establishing a direct link between these clinical conditions will be a difficult challenge given our incomplete understanding of how ethanol damages the developing brain and what neuropathological changes in brain tissue lead to the development of different types of epilepsy."
Around 456,000 people in Britain have epilepsy. Fits happen when there is a sudden burst of excess electrical activity in the brain, causing a temporary disruption in the normal message passing between brain cells.
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How to Select Test Helmet
There are a lot of helmets being sold in the market, ranging from locally made to imports from developed countries. Well, SNI helmet rule was enforced by the government. In order for the owner of the motor is not one to buy, easy to follow tips from expert staff associations Indonesian Industrial Helmets, Thomas Lim.
First, one should pay attention when buying a helmet is the physical form of the product in accordance with the provisions, ie, full face and half face. Besides these two forms, the helmet has been ascertained not fall into the category of SNI mandatory.
Second, check the physical return the helmet to be purchased, starting from a shell, foam inside, until the straps. Make sure everything is in good condition and no one Rengat or damaged.
Third, do not hesitate suspicious of the price offered by a helmet. Thomas said, to produce one unit of the helmet with ISO standard specifications shall, helmets will be sold a minimum of approximately Rp 65,000 per unit price. "So, if below the price it is very difficult to be possible (to suspect) because the raw materials that can meet the standards that are still imported and are expensive," says Thomas.
Finally, if you like helmet brands import, then make sure that the purchases made after 1 April 2010 for download information must remain with the product. Although the standard of imported products could be higher than SNI, if there is no information, so that incoming products are contraband. Because, SNI shall apply not only to protect users, but also to protect national industries from the advancing helmets imported products.
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First, one should pay attention when buying a helmet is the physical form of the product in accordance with the provisions, ie, full face and half face. Besides these two forms, the helmet has been ascertained not fall into the category of SNI mandatory.
Second, check the physical return the helmet to be purchased, starting from a shell, foam inside, until the straps. Make sure everything is in good condition and no one Rengat or damaged.
Third, do not hesitate suspicious of the price offered by a helmet. Thomas said, to produce one unit of the helmet with ISO standard specifications shall, helmets will be sold a minimum of approximately Rp 65,000 per unit price. "So, if below the price it is very difficult to be possible (to suspect) because the raw materials that can meet the standards that are still imported and are expensive," says Thomas.
Finally, if you like helmet brands import, then make sure that the purchases made after 1 April 2010 for download information must remain with the product. Although the standard of imported products could be higher than SNI, if there is no information, so that incoming products are contraband. Because, SNI shall apply not only to protect users, but also to protect national industries from the advancing helmets imported products.
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